Tuesday, May 15, 2012

And we are back! Today, right now I am just in awe with the strength of God's love. He really does love us.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


"I'm not sure why it always goes down hill, why broken cisterns never could stay filled..."

I have a friend,Piper, she is the sweetest women I have ever met. She will give anyone a cavity in a matter of seconds. The crazy thing is that Piper hasn't had the easiest life but no one would ever know that about her. She just glows, she loves with so much compassion, with no judgement. She is like a girl Jesus. Sometimes when I think about who I would like to be like, I would have to say Piper. She reminds me of Melanie Hamilton from Gone with the Wind.

Someone near to her is in the hospital tonight. He is probably going to die. But you know, even though she knew all this, as we were hanging out tonight you would have never known. She still was uplifting as ever. She is strong, she has a strength that is tough as nails, three nails. I wonder if she knows that...

Tonight reminded me of something I once read. Back in Moses' day they would keep themselves focused on God by understanding a very important concept. That concept would be the concept of today. NOW. What is right now. Not tomorrow. Not the day after tomorrow. Not next month. Today.

I think that's a beautiful concept. God has given us this breath in our lungs. This breath, this oxygen that we are currently breathing. He has given it to us for a reason. It is blessing, overlooked and taken for granted.

I'm not God, but I don't think Jesus would want us to waste this precious gift on things that don't change the world. On things that don't have lasting impact. On things that aren't of eternity.

I mean, to dwell on the negative, to wish for what could have been, to gripe about what you don't have but NEED EVER SO DEARLY.

From experience, I like to believe these things erase "today." We are so focused on past or future events we completely forget that we posses a gift called "today." Which makes today have only one purpose, to pass time, until we are finally reach tomorrow.

But tomorrow isn't even promised. And if tomorrow isn't promised and we have this mindset, it makes today a waste of time.

Which leads me back to my story of Piper and the death of a loved one she might experience...

It's cliche, but we really aren't promised tomorrow. We should do something great in the now.

Something glorifying.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Traveler's Tale

My friend Macy is obsessed with foreigners. Her love for them could actually be mistaken as exploitation.

Well this weekend she met a guy from Sri Lanka...

I was watching her and this man have a conversation. He didn't speak much English, but this guy could really tell a good story.

Not only could he tell a good story, but he was awesome at making himself look pretty epic in the process...

What was most fascinating to watch was when he would tell stories of epic duels he had taken part of.

With each story Macy's eyes would widen with fascination. Maybe a few heart strings might have been pulled too, a kind of Casanova, if you will.

But really, I am not doing him justice. His back story is pretty amazing...

Which lead me to thinking, there is a whole eastern part of this world that many have yet to come in contact with.

And we think we have all the answers?

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Broken beyond repair. This is the earth.

"For with much wisdom is much sorrow; as knowledge increases, grief increases." - Ecclesiastes 1:18

So much confusion I could do without.

So much pain.

So much controversy.

"Absolute futility, everything is futile."

Lost. Lost. Lost.


"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Death will no longer exist;
grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer,
because the previous things have passed away." - Revelation 21:4

"To the one with distant eyes, all this crying has left you dry. Wait the light will come, wait the light will come."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Moments that shake you. When were jolted out of our everyday routine and for five seconds we become aware of what in life is truly important.

God thank you for this day, for it is indeed a gift.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Stir Crazy

"Some how we've gone and lost our way. This is where we are."

Here I am in Arizona. After a 13 hour trip that was more than eventful...exhausting. Our luggage is lost. My sister and I have been sitting around the house for what is now 48 hours.

Netflix has somewhat lost its entertainment value.

The last two days have been more than frustrating... especially when you get 3 ticked off women in a room. The atmosphere isn't exactly uplifting.

On the plus side the house looks great, Christmas decorations up and all.

I have nothing to REALLY complain about. I have what is necessary to live, and that should be enough. But it's not you know... human beings are complicated creatures.

Which leads me to my next thought. My frustrations, I have been taking them out on God.

Why is that I do that? I really haven't been able to bring myself to pray the past week. It's hard when He feels so far away.

On the plus side I got a 4.0 this semester. That rocks right? It really was by no doing of my own.

Purely mercy and grace.

As for next semester I have no idea what's going on. I know I am not taking any classes. I know I need a full time job to get me though April, then maybe I can take off to Peru. That would be great.

I guess this is where it's like "Ok God, direct me, even though I really don't want to even think about direction right now..."

I mean it's kind of Biblical to live for today, now. to Be Present. So I guess it's not such a bad thing.

Well I guess we shall see how it goes!

Here's to adventure, cheers!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I know we can't define it. But we know what it looks like. Can't we show our love?

If you love Jesus, you should show others you love Him by loving everyone.

Frustrated. Sin. Destructs. I am frustrated that sin destructs our most important relationships.

That we allow sin in and allow it to take over our actions... take away our love.

Every person is alive on this earth once. That means we have ONE, hopefully long term chance to show everyone that they are loved. Not only by us, but by their Creator.

We need to serve, serve love.

Defend, hug, hold, lift up, support, sympathize, understand, forgive, aid, honor, compliment, nurture, thank, admire, talk to, listen to, write a note to, be loyal to, be gentle with, spend time with, laugh with, smile with, cry with, serve... someone...everyone.

"But Jesus called them over and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles dominate them, and the men of high position exercise power over them. 26 It must not be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave; 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many." -Matthew 20: 25-28