This morning my Dad, Mom, Sister and I went out for coffee and to discuss the big cross country move we all are about t make, well everyone but myself. I have decided to stay here in Virginia while everyone moves out to the "home land" Arizona. My decision to stay in Virginia should be considered suicide for than a few reasons however, the most intimidating reason is that after my parents leave I will be carless, without wheels! There is a nearby public transportation system but to get anywhere takes approximately 2 hours or more and the transportation system stops transporting an hour before I get off work. With my overwhelming schedule consisting of work, internship, more work, and eventually school, a car seems to be a necessity. This car problem is almost and maybe enough to make me kiss Virginia goodbye altogether! I think it's safe to say "I NEED A CAR!"
Panic and stress set in concerning this situation at least 500 times daily. However, during my times of panic I remember what Jesus assured His followers of time and time again throughout Scripture.
"Don't worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of They don't sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you worth more than they?" -Matthew 6:25-26
GOD WILL ALWAYS PROVIDE WHAT I NEED! He knows what I need better than I do. If a car is necessary for this time in my life then a car is what shall be provided!
When I take a step back from all the stress I realize how small I have made my concept of God. Matthew 8:27 says " the men were amazed and asked What kind of man is this? -Even the winds and the sea obey Him!" My God controls the wind and millions of miles of ocean! And I doubt his ability to somehow provide me a car?!
I think so often we place Jesus in this box, a box too small for him. This box is responsible for creating all of our fears and doubts because we believe that outside of our box Jesus is powerless. We need to take God out of our child sized box now! The Creator of the universe and our resurrected Savior do not belonged in a small, medium, or large box. Rather, he demands to be boxless. God works outside of time and space and outside of money and ability. God can do anything! We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us! Even if it means staying 3000 miles away from home without a source of transportation, if it means following His calling.
He has risen and because of this we know He is fully faithful and completely capable!
Girl... God's got you covered! ;-)