While I was listening to this song my mind kept running to Matthew 28. The Great Commission.
After Jesus is resurrected he meets his disciples in Galilee "to the mountain where He had directed them." There on the mountain Jesus meets with his friends for the first time since his sacrificial death on the cross. The Bible says that "When they saw Him, they worshiped, but some doubted (v.17).
Stop. Allow me to make note that it is passages such as Matthew 28:17 that I can truly relate to. These are the disciples, Jesus' followers of three years. RESURRECTED JESUS IS STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM... and they doubt? But then again who wouldn't? Jesus was dead and now He is alive!? Hallelujah! But some doubted. This passage is me. It's almost comical that I have seen God work so many times in my life and I continue to on rough days, doubt his presence, his goodness, and sometimes even his very existence. But to know that even the disciples, his most unshakable and precious followers doubted him and what they were seeing on several occasions notifies me that I am not alone in my struggles with faith. It's ok to have doubts, because Jesus always delivers. Jesus has always delivered. He delivered us from sin, that was his purpose and He expects me to go out and tell the world.
Next Jesus says,
"Then Jesus came near and said to them, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Although the song "Shine On" isn't necessarily about Matthew 28:18-20, this is the picture I get while listening to the song. Jesus telling his followers to "shine on," to be christ-like examples and in doing this make disciples. I believe this message not only applies to Jesus' disciples back when but also to us as his disciples now. As followers of Christ, even in our darkest days it is imperative that we "shine" for Christ, that we be Christ-like examples. We may be the only light some people ever see, the only Bible people ever read, the only "little Christ" people ever know. Will we remember Christ and the words He spoke to his disciples so that we may go and make disciples of all nations?
" Shine on shine on and let the other see you've got your victory! Will you remember me?"
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